Thursday, March 3, 2011

Not only is Sarah Silverman funny and beautiful, this is why I am infatuated with her. Shes real.


  1. what she said in that video is SO true! children learn from watching adults. they see their parents and other adults as role models. if a child's parents say that being gay is wrong, then the child will think the same thing. they should let their children decide for themselves.

  2. Everyday we see kids who act the same way as their parents, we are examples of it too! It isn't until they learn all of the sides that they can make decisions for themselves.

  3. Sarah is absolutely correct in what she has to say! Kids learn from parents and we should be setting an examples, helping our kids to grown with their own opinions and minds!!

  4. I heart SS too. (Though sometimes she crossed the line in ways that make me uncomfortable, too.) Great way to use her celebrity to get a message out.

  5. I think she is absolutely right in what she says. we need to realize that kids are sponges- they absorb everything adults and even older kids around them say and knowing that we need to be more self conscious of what we say and do.

  6. This video was great!!!! i agree with everything she says kids are sponges they absorb everything!!!!!
