Monday, April 25, 2011

Extention off Emily Onufraks: Education is Politics

The quotes Emily Chose.
" It is the students who decide to what extent they will take part in the syllabus and allow it to form them. Many students do not like the knowledge, process, or roles set out for them in class. In reaction, they drop out or withdraw into passivity or silence in the classroom. Some become self-educated; some sabotage the curriculum by misbehaving." (Shor 14).
Emily agrees with Shor on how the role of the syllabus does not work well for all students, and that students do indeed learn at a different pace. She also acknowledges what Shor says that it is up to the students in deciding to the extent that they will follow the syllabus, and sometimes the end results become to overwhelming and students will drop out of the class, or become home schooled. My experience with this pretty much hits the hammer on the head for me. Reason being is because looking at a syllabus for any class is very nerve wrecking, maybe not for all students, but for the first day of classes looking at the syllabus i want to freak out. Freak out because school is not my thing, i have to work over time just for the grades i get, and knowing that i have to work twice as hard as some students makes me feel overwhelmed, sometimes during mid course of the semesters, sometimes i just want to give up, and call it quits. I never manage to do it because so far i never failed any classes in my college career and the family structure or " the culture" i grew up in wont allow me to give up. 
"To be democratic implies orienting subject matter to student culture - their interests, needs, speech, and perceptions - while creating a negotiable openness in class where the students' input jointly creates the learning process." (Shor 16).
I completely agree with Emily and Shor with saying that the students are the ones who should be making the classroom a learning space along side the teacher. This quote means a lot to me, because of this class i look at school in a whole different perspective. This class gave me the knowledge to look at a situation and see how it really is, like "wow that is a delpit moment". I would never be able to do that if our classroom wasnt structured the way it is. Not only does the class control the conversations because of Dr. Bogad the class has a openness where our inputs are actually considered instead of other classrooms and professors saying "no that is not correct". We as a class are democrats in the class because we might not be reading our interests, but we talk in big discussion as a class like it is, and our conversations help us learn on what is going on instead of reading a 15 page article then taking a 120 question exam to "see" if we understand what was written. This quote i take deeply into consideration, because i can now say i have somewhat of a structure in mind on how i will get my future students engaged and willing to learn, just as i have. Hopefully.
"In the first session of an introduction to journalism class, to encourage immediate participation and questioning I routinely ask students to define what "news" means to them and to write down questions they have about the news. Their definitions and questions launch our class discussion, not a lecture by me." (Shor 28).
Again this quote reminds me of how this class is ran. From the first day Dr. Bogad tolds us as a class dead up, that each of us will have to talk at least once each class in order to gain participation points. This may have had some students, or maybe all students a little bit nervous because no one knew each other. Also Dr. Bogad makes us in every assignment to define what the experience was like for us, not to define definitions but, on how we took the experience and compare and contrast it to the past readings that we had in class, and then that what we wrote in our blogs from the readings will be the topic of discussion. If a student does not understand a article that was assigned, we can always look back at what other students of the class wrote to help us better understand what was said and done, because it is sometimes easier to learn from peers rather than experts.
Well, Dr. Bogad you pretty much hit the head on every point. Well done.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Citizen Ship in Schools

The title to my blog and to this article makes me trip out a little bit. The more i think about it, the clearer it becomes. I can not speak for everyone, but for my experience with people with disabilities was a bit  segregated. I say segregated because in my high school the had 3 floors, top floor was the seniors and juniors, second floor was your sophomores and freshmen. The special education classroom was in the basement where you would find the locker rooms and the school's gym. It never really hit me until now, but i feel like there was some alienation going on. One of my next door neighbors was in the special education classroom, and it bugged him out. Reason why was because he was not your typical character. Chucky is very well known in my hometown. He was the guy at my football games dress in a full fire fighters suit, helmet, boots, jacket, pants, and riding his bike up and down the town in the suit making a siren noise with his mouth. He did the whole 9. Everyone loved him. In high school everyone would scream his name, not to make in fun of him, but because he was the man. He could careless about anything. He would spit game to girls, and if they looked at him wrong because he looked a little different, he would laugh and let them know "their shit wasnt all that". Direct words from the mans mouth. I bared witness to this NUMEROUS TIMES.  He is very out going, very social, loves to laugh, but he is handicap. For the years Ive know him i have no clue what is wrong with him. Do i care? Not one effing bit. Our school placed him in the basement of our school. My school pretty much told everyone without saying a word, when you go down to the basement to change for gym, that is where you will find the kids with special needs. Wow. However, Mrs. Fishback was my homegirl, they were blessed to have one of the  most caring, loving person i had every met besides my mother for their teacher. Maybe i am looking at this to deeply, but the basement? They had citizen ship to our school, but  was no where to be found unless you had P.E, hit the gym, or kicked with Mrs. Fishback. Im still kind of wavy on this topic, until Tuesday i will have a better understanding on this topic, so i will go with i understand now.

I guess i am pro inclusion. Dont get me wrong, there are some students whos disablites are more server than others, but looking at my man Chucky this could do anything. He was not like the others in his class, reason being said was because he took apon himself, and break out the norm or the cultural of power our school placed him and he did his thing. He would roam the hallways and talk to the people who he knew, like myself. The more he was around the more people saw him the more he wanted to soicalize. The kids in the speical education classroom in the basement never really left, because i am guessing that they were not as comfortable as Chucky was to break out. Chucky to this day attends all home sporting events, never missed a football, baseball, soccer, hockey, and basketball home game since we were freshmen and still goes to every game after graduating 3 and half years ago. CHUCKY IS THE MAN. I feel that even though special need students may not be able to solve a algebra equation, i barely can, or able to communicate efficiently, but being having the opportunity to be with people and able to socialize, and function in the society is the main deal. Just because your disabled doesn't mean you cant live a perfectly normal life, ( but what is normal) it just only means your have strengths in other places that other people would kill to have.

To function in society, you need to teach the rules and parameters to function in the culture of power. Placing wonderful people in a basement, and saying they are citizen of the school, just because they attend the school and are being taught by people who work at the school doesn't make them citizens, i feel it makes them the ghost of the school until your class schedule tells you its time to see them.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Literacy with an attitude literally

Nothing but connections....

My role model in the way i look at the world. Like it or leave it, but i strongly believe in what this beautiful wise man has to say about the world. When watching this, i would like you to sit back and really think. Think about what he says, what he means to have a "White Christmas". Who does this sound like when you watch this.

To me this sounds like Lisa Delpits "The Silenced Dialogue". Deplit argues that who are the people who not aware of being in the culture of power are and should be responsible to show the minority or working class how to be apart of the culture of power. In the video Tupac talks about how in order to get through this, we need to stop having people hit the lotto for 36 million dollars when someone cant even afford something on the dollar menu at McDonald's. That is the world we live in, give me, give me give me. Now Flinn argues which Delpit i would believe she would agree with is that in order for the people to become literate and understand the culture of power, the people of the culture of power which is mostly high status white individuals are really responsible for helping. In the video Tupac talks about in order for black people or any race that is not in the culture of power, why cant you help me out and give us some money instead again, hitting the lotto, or having 40 billion dollars, is there really a need for 7 house with 50 rooms each, when there are people that don't even have a pair of pants. When the minority can have a little money and able to stand on their two feet that would make it much easier to prove Delpits 4th point " if you are not already a participant in the culture of power, being told explicit the rules of the culture makes acquiring power easier". Its not going to solve world hunger but it is a really a good damn way to start off. Delpit and Tupac are really close because Delpit is aware of this "culture of power" and Pac goes to explain a "White Christmas" which is literal as he means its, because minority's understand what its like to have one, because they never had one, when people in the culture of power don't really understand what is not like to have gifts under the tree, not having a Christmas dinner, never the less not ever having dinner. I'm bad at explaining what Tupac beautiful states, but Delpit would be a great fan, and so would Flinn.

Flinn and Tupac make me also make me think about  Allan Johnson's power, privilege and difference. Because Tupac again like stated up above talks about the lotto millionaires with 10 cars 5 house, when people dont have any of those things. Now dont get me wrong alot of those people are black with 10 cars and 5 house, but would you blame them for doing so, because that is how they feel they should act because of the poverty they went through, and the world they live in taught them to live the life like that. Education in the upper class is a privilege plan and simple. Heres why, in the first pages of Flinns article he goes on to talk about people 300 years ago were afraid that the people who couldn't read would learn how to read and understand the bullshit life they were living, and then attack violently. Johnson goes to say that people are naturally afraid of what they don't know or understand. The people in the upper class took it as  lets take advantage of these different people (not using any particular race), they aren't like us, they must be stupid, and we can keep them stupid by stripping their rights away so they can work for us and have no reason why they are working for absolutely nothing. There is more deeper things to Johnson and Pac just Pac has a connection with a lot points that my brain can't even fathom. Flinn would be a supporter, but Flinn isn't pointing anyone out but saying how the upper class could help, whereas Johnson and Delpit are saying in order to help out the culture of power, needs to be explained and taught and privileges are the reasons to the downfall.

Im looking for alot feedback, Im not to sure about this blog but seriously check out Tupacs interviews you will be amazed with this so called "ignorant black gangster rapper" as some politicans like to call him, has to say about the sad world we live in. Pac does a much better job than this blog.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Women are beautiful creatures. Athletic women is a cherry on top for a guy like me. Women in the world today are no looked down upon in society, and in the world of sports. Sports is dominated mostly by males, because due of the competitive nature and built up testosterone men feel they need to get out in order to feel superior to other men. I have seen my fair share of women who could show men in sports and in life as a whole. Only less than 40 years ago women were finally given a chance to prove themselves in the world of sports and equal opportunity to participate. However, 40 years later, i still feel that women in the world of sports are still heavily looked down upon. If you look through any magazine or sports magazine women are degraded. Degraded by wearing sexy clothing, which i am not complaining about whats so ever, however that seems to be there only chance to shine, to help sell something. Even in sports magazines, women athletes have to be in sport bras, or tight clothing just to be able to have a spread in a magazine. Title IX act was passed 1972 to give equal opportunity to women to participate in sports just as much as the men can. Coming out of high school 3 years ago and having the privilege of being male and able to part take in those sports saved my high school career. That being said it is only fair for women to have the same opportunity's to do the same. This gives women the chance to also better there life, because if a women can succeed in a sport she has a great chance that she could get a scholarship to a higher education.

Here is a article and video that was covered by CBS when the title 9 act was violated.